Friday, June 5, 2009

This was his start...
Somehow, it did not work or was it that he wasn't trying enough to make it work, he wondered. Sometimes, he would not find a title, sometimes he would not find enough substance.

He was an avid reader, but why was he not writing? He was in search of an opportunity which would aver his talent. He was audacious enough to try out but was it this? He never knew the answers.To make matters worse, he was clueless about whether he would find any.

He avowed he had a something-more-than-zero speed at typing. But time would teach him, he knew. He had tried it many times before, but was wrecked half-way. The tempo would always subside to a zero. He somehow persuaded himself to be optimistic. Zero, he had been taught meant the end. But again, zero when placed at the right place could increase one's value 10 times. He had to place the zero at the right place, on the right to his efforts, he realized.

His heart and head were at loggerheads, as is always the case. The heart yearns, the mind admonishes.
He dint intend to make adventitious attempts. He had a clear aversion for plagiarism, and did not intent to allow himself to practice one.
But, determined ,without ancillaries, without much ado, he began...
Would he have to abdicate this one too ? No, he had decided, his acumen would not be allowed to addle away in the aeons of time.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Pollution ,Population and Politics ... Problems of ma Pyara India...

I m really Perturbed ....


"Census of India-2001 Report: The total population of India as at 0:00 hours on 1st March 2001 stood at 1,027,015,247 persons. With this, India became only the second country in the world after China to cross the one billion mark. The population of the country rose by 21.34 % between 1991 - 2001. At district level the North East district in Union territory Delhi has the highest population density in the country with 29395 persons per square kilometer.""The population clock in the Union Health Ministry, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi, now ticks at the rate of 31 persons per minute. The clock shows that about 44,640 babies are born in India everyday.

Population in itself is NOT the problem. Lack of basic education and poor economic conditions are. You cannot solve the population problem by clinics. Your assumption that people have no access to family planning methods is only partly true and in any case is not the root of the problem. Population has remained a problem because EDUCATION continues to be a problem. ""In some places there is no drinking water. People started migrating to cities where they can get some water and work. People will start fighting for food, water and place to live.""The birth rate in India (31 per thousand people) is greater than that of China (20 per thousand people). If this trend continues, India will beat up China by 2025.A.D."


"Doctors armed with the latest evidence about the effects of airborne pollution on health say the megacities of China and India, with their traffic-choked streets and dependence on coal, could become centers of premature mortality." Tackling traffic flow, vehicular pollution and road accidents require the same level of scientific expertise, inter- disciplinary cooperation and long-term attention as any other public health problem. "

"The pollution level of India's capital city, i.e, New Delhi is very high as compare to other important cities and therefore, health hazards of citizen as well as visitors of New Delhi are at danger. Air was found to be of poor quality at all the traffic junctions and market places monitored. Air samples even from school premises have presence of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and suspended particulate matter much above permissible limits. The reason being fleet of school buses and the number of cars and scooters used by children for commuting to school."
"This signifies that more comprehensive measures to tackle air pollution must be adopted in the immediate future and implemented stringently to protect the environment.


"We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish ourselves to be, we have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions; so we have to know how to act. " -- Swami Vivekananda